A Hub for women's health

Less than 1% of biomedical R&D is spent on women's health research.
On average, across the globe governments spend less than 10% of their health research budgets on female-specific conditions.
Let's change that.

For Women Header

Why are we tackling women’s health research?

Do you recall being at the doctor and being told, “it is just your hormones”, “just monitor your symptoms”, or “it’s all in your head”? The reason for this is the scientific research that leads to answers for female-specific conditions has been overlooked and underfunded. We simply do not know.

Power in numbers

Women make up half of the world’s population. We make 80% of the healthcare decisions at home and thanks to our purchasing power, we are responsible for some of the biggest industries in the world: fashion and beauty. Yet, there is a massive data and funding gap when it comes to women’s healthcare. When women realize this and decide to act on it, they will be hard to ignore.

Where advocacy meets action

DAOs create an opportunity where everyone can be an advocate and take the action they want. From owning tokens to voting to contribute to a working group or simply supporting by being a member. Whether you are a philanthropist or a high school student, an academic, or an investor, you can make an impact.

A brave new world

Decentralized technologies have created a new paradigm that is here to stay. We believe more women should have access and participate in this new ecosystem so we do not recreate legacy structures. The time is now to learn about the incentives, transparency, and democratization of science and technology.

We are collecting women’s health stories that show how little we know about women’s health and how much more we need to do to get the answers women deserve. 

"I had thyroid problems from taking the pill. The only reason I found out is because the research came up in a conversation on a road trip with friends. My doctor told me it wasn't possible!"

“I experienced extreme weight gain in my 20s. After 3 years, I suspected it was the contraceptive implant. When I had it removed, the nurse said "Oh yes, it causes catastrophic weight gain in 8% of women". Within 2 months, I'd lost 10kg.”

"I have PCOS and the doctors said "It's not severe enough to need treatment". Lucky I understand scientific publishing, otherwise I would be in the dark in a lot of my condition"

Our Community and Operations Team

Suramya Asthana, PhD

Science & Dealflow Contributor

Victoria Dmitruczyk Contributor AthenaDAO

Victoria Dmitruczyk

Operations & Comms Contributor

Samantha Cote, PhD

Science & Dealflow Contributor

Annica Swart Contributor AthenaDAO

Annica Swart

Operations Contributor

Sandra Almanza

Community Contributor

Brooke Tousdale Contributor AthenaDAO

Brooke Conti Trousdale

Science & Dealflow WG

Lan Dao, MD

Clinician in Residence

Cassy Le Contributor AthenaDAO

Cassy Le

Science & Dealflow Contributor

Xiaochen Zhou

Science & Dealflow Contributor

Nandhini Gopal Contributor AthenaDAO

Nandhini Gopal

Comms & Awareness WG

Beata Baranowska Contributor AthenaDAO

Beata Baranowska


Johannes Weniger Contributor AthenaDAO

Johannes Weniger


Heinrich Tessendorf Contributor AthenaDAO

Heinrich Tessendorf


Leonard Boltz Contributor AthenaDAO

Leonard Boltz


Ezanne Tessendorf Contributor AthenaDAO

Ezanne Tessendorf


Max Unfried Advisor AthenaDAO

Max Unfried


Pepi Martinez Contributor AthenaDAO

Pepi Martinez


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